
Call For Papers

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Conference Overview

Since 1997, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and EUROCONTROL have jointly organized two prominent series of scientific conferences in air transportation: the Air Traffic Management (ATM) Research and Development (R&D) Seminar and the International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT). These events have been hosted in various US and European locations, and most recently in Asia, fostering the exchange of research results and building consensus on key issues in air transportation and ATM. The conferences have been instrumental in creating and reinforcing professional relationships among leading experts and researchers. Papers presented are publicly available on our websites, forming a valuable repository of air transportation research.

New Conference Format

While the ATM R&D Seminar took place in odd years and reached out to senior scientists, ICRAT predominantly addressed young researchers and took place in even years. To streamline and enhance the impact of these conferences, the FAA and EUROCONTROL are merging the ATM R&D Seminar and ICRAT into a new annual event: the International Air Transportation Research and Development Symposium. The Symposium will integrate the best elements of both previous conferences. Still based on an open Call for Papers, the Symposium will also feature tutorials on selected topics and a doctoral research review component. Industry members are encouraged to attend to facilitate the transfer of research from academia to practice.

Call for Papers

The Programme Committee (PC) invites research papers that present new concepts, analyses, and methodologies in one of the themes set out below. Papers may address any part of the lifecycle from early concept to implementation. The Committee also considers papers that demonstrate the infeasibility of certain concepts (negative results), deployment experiences with valuable lessons as well as papers that describe and analyse relevant innovative concepts and emerging technologies. Papers describing research and concepts that apply globally will be looked upon favourably, as will contributions arising from collaboration between different organizations, especially joint international efforts. The Symposium invites contributions in two categories with the criteria listed below:

  1. Full Papers (up to 10 pages) - Submissions must provide a clear explanation of their objectives, approach, methodology, and results, and draw conclusions that underscore the scientific value of the work. Papers lacking clear results will be rejected. Authors are required to reference previous work, such as from the ATM Seminar and ICRAT, which collectively contain a huge repository of scientific publications (see www.atmseminar.org and www.icrat.org). Papers that duplicate content presented at other conferences or similar forums will not be accepted.
  2. Doctoral Research Papers (up to 4 pages) – Young researchers are encouraged to submit papers presenting ongoing or recently completed PhD research. The symposium provides a supportive environment where doctoral students can receive constructive feedback from experienced researchers. Submissions should be in English and detail the research, approach, and preliminary results as well as relevant references.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be made through EasyChair in either of the two categories mentioned above. Instructions and templates are available on www.atmseminar.org and www.icrat.org.

All submissions are expected through EasyChair at this link.

Important Dates

Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three committee members according to the criteria indicated above. Submissions should be considered final versions, although the PC may request minor revisions to improve readability. Authors of accepted papers are required to attend the entire symposium. Best paper awards will be presented, and accepted papers will be indexed in SCOPUS and assigned a DOI. Top papers may also be featured in a special journal issue.


All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

Full papers are to be submitted through EasyChair – templates are provided below.

Updated January 14th, 2025

Conference Leadership

Conference Co-chairs

Doctoral Symposium Chairs

Dave Lovell, University of Maryland, and Hartmut Fricke, TU Dresden

Tutorial Chairs

Michael Schultz, University of the German Armed Forces, and Yu Zhang, University of South Florida

Industry Chairs

Akbar Sultan, NASA, and Miguel Vilaplana, Airbus

Communication Chairs

Sameer Alam, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, and Max Li, University of Michigan.

Student Funding

Limited funding will be available for student presenters who require financial assistance to attend the symposium. Such assistance can be requested under specific conditions by the first authors of a doctoral paper. Details will be published with the notification of acceptance of doctoral papers.

Conference Themes

Conference Themes are avaiable here.
