Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar
ATM Seminar 2023 Sponsors:
Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar
The Federal Aviation Administration and EUROCONTROL have jointly organized an international seminar for Air Traffic Management Research and Development (ATM R&D) since 1997. These seminars are held every two years, alternating between the USA and Europe, and have become the top event for ATM researchers.
The ATM R&D Seminars are particularly important in view of the need to agree and develop solutions that are globally relevant, encompassing SESAR, NextGen and other international programs. The seminars promote international collaboration, create and reinforce relationships between leading ATM experts and researchers world-wide, and encourage discussion and consensus on major issues.
ATM is defined in the ICAO ATM Global Concept document as "the dynamic, integrated management of air traffic and airspace - safely, economically, and efficiently - through the provision of facilities and seamless services in collaboration with all parties". ATM therefore encompasses airspace organization and management, flow and capacity management and en-route, terminal and airport air traffic control.
The solutions to today's and future challenges are being addressed right now in research and development labs around the world. It is cutting edge material like this that is presented and discussed at the ATM R&D Seminar.
There have been 14 USA/Europe ATM R&D Seminars resulting in an archive of more than 850 peer-reviewed papers that are available on this website. This represents one of the most valuable and widely-used records of ATM research available.
ATM Seminar Themes
Air traffic flow management and optimization
4-D Trajectory planning, prediction, and management
Separation assurance and safety nets
Complexity science, analytics and big data for ATM
Integrated airport/airside operations
Economics, finance and policy
ATM performance measurement and management
Weather in ATM
Human Factors
Environment and energy efficiency
Advanced communication, surveillance and navigation
Autonomous, unmanned and remotely piloted aircraft systems
Safety, resilience and security
ATM Seminar Schedule AT-A-GLANCE
The ATM Seminar 2023 Schedule AT-A-GLANCE in PDF format.
Schedule AT-A-GLANCE (PDF)June 05
Early registration, welcome reception
Bubbly Bar - 38 Whitaker Street
June 06
Buses depart Montgomery Street Trolley Stop
June 06
June 06
Plenary Opening Session
Room PARB 114/115
June 06
Welcome and Logistics
Eric Neiderman, FAA and Dirk Schaefer, EUROCONTROL
June 06
June 06
Keynote 2
FAA’s Landscape for UAS and AAM Integration and Strategic Outlook for Cross-Cutting Research to Integrate Emerging UAS & AAM Operations
Sabrina Saunders-Hodge, FAA
June 06
June 06
Track 1 - Integrated airport/airside operations
Chair Marc Bourgois, EUROCONTROL
Room PARB 114/115
- Paolino De Falco - Probabilistic Pre-tactical Arrival and Departure Flight Delay Prediction with Quantile Regression
Ramon Dalmau, Paolino De Falco, Miroslav Spak (EUROCONTROL) & Jose Daniel Rodríguez Varela (Geneva Airport)
Track 2 - Advanced communication, surveillance and navigation
Chair Dirk Kuegler, DLR
Room PARB 127
- David Lovell - Debuffering Timestamped ADS-B Records for Kinematic Applications
Zhuoxuan Cao, David Lovell (University of Maryland), Aishwarya Bokil & Seth Young (Ohio State University)
June 06
Track 1 - Integrated airport/airside operations
Chair Marc Bourgois, EUROCONTROL
Room PARB 114/115
- Eri Itoh - Designing a Framework of Integrated Aircraft Departure and Surface Traffic Operation via Queuing Network Models
Eri Itoh (University of Tokyo/ENRI) & Michael Schultz (Bundeswehr University Munich)
Track 2 - Advanced communication, surveillance and navigation
Chair Dirk Kuegler, DLR
Room PARB 127
- Phat Thai - Airside Surveillance by Computer Vision in Low-Visibility and Low-Fidelity Environment
Phat Thai, Sameer Alam & Nimrod Lilith (Nanyang Technological University)
June 06
Track 1 - Integrated airport/airside operations
Chair Marc Bourgois, EUROCONTROL
Room PARB 114/115
- Marek Travnik - Data-Driven Approach for Runway Braking Condition Assessment with Forecasting Capability
Marek Travnik & R. John Hansman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Track 2 - Advanced communication, surveillance and navigation
Chair Dirk Kuegler, DLR
Room PARB 127
- Duc-Thinh Pham - Cleared to Land - A Multi-view Vision-based Deep Learning Approach for Distance-to-Touch Down Prediction
Duc-Thinh Pham, Gabriel James Goenawan, Sameer Alam (Nanyang Technological University) & Rainer Koelle (EUROCONTROL)
June 06
June 06
Track 1 - ATM performance measurement and management I
Chair Joseph Post, USF
Room PARB 114/115
- Raphael Christien - Looking for the best flight efficiency indicators for arrivals
Pierrick Pasutto & Karim Zeghal (EUROCONTROL), presented by Raphael Christien (EUROCONTROL)
Track 2 - Weather in ATM I
Chair Craig Wanke, MITRE
Room PARB 127
- James Jones - Risk-Adjusted Traffic Management Strategies for Convective Weather Conditions
James Jones & Zachary Ellenbogen (MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Track 3 - 4-D Trajectory planning, prediction, and management
Chair Sameer Alam, NTU
Room PARB 128
- Hiroko Hirabayash - Airspace Design Proposal for Efficient Flight Operations in North Pacific Oceanic Airspace
Hiroko Hirabayashi, Mark Brown (ENRI) & Noboru Takeichi (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
June 06
Track 1 - ATM performance measurement and management I
Chair Joseph Post, USF
Room PARB 114/115
- Chuhao Deng - Area Navigation Terminal Airspace Complexity Estimation for Arrivals
Chuhao Deng, Hong-Cheol Choi, Hyunsang Park & Inseok Hwang (Purdue University)
Track 2 - Weather in ATM I
Chair Craig Wanke, MITRE
Room PARB 127
- Gabriele Enea - Evaluation of Convective Weather Impacts on US and European Airports
Gabriele Enea, Tom Reynolds, Margo Pawlak (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Alexander Lau (DLR), et al.
Track 3 - 4-D Trajectory planning, prediction, and management
Chair Sameer Alam, NTU
Room PARB 128
- Almudena Buelta - Towards Multi-Aircraft Transfer Learning for Trajectory Tracking
Almudena Buelta, Alberto Olivares & Ernesto Staffetti (University Rey Juan Carlos)
June 06
June 06
Track 1 - ATM performance measurement and management II
Chair Joseph Post, USF
Room PARB 114/115
- Dan Howell - Estimating the impact of increasing Pilot-Applied Separation on Approach
Dan Howell, Jennifer King, Lynn Tran (Regulus Group), Alejandro Rodriguez & Doug Arbuckle (FAA)
Track 2 - Weather in ATM II
Chair Craig Wanke, MITRE
Room PARB 127
- Esther Roosenbrand - Estimating Wind Fields Using Physically Inspired Neural Networks With Aircraft Surveillance Data
Jari Malfliet, Junzi Sun & Jacco Hoekstra (TU Delft) presented by Esther Roosenbrand (TU Delft)
Track 3 - Economics, finance and policy
Chair Eric Neiderman, FAA
Room PARB 128
- Thomas Standfuss - Determinants of Performance in European ATM - How to Analyze a Diverse Industry
Thomas Standfuss, Hartmut Fricke, Georg Hirte (TU Dresden) & Frank Fichert (Worms University of Applied Sciences)
June 06
Track 1 - ATM performance measurement and management II
Chair Joseph Post, USF
Room PARB 114/115
- Henrik Hardell - Performance Characterization of Arrival Operations with Point Merge at Oslo Gardermoen Airport
Tatiana Polishchuk, Henrik Hardell, Anastasia Lemetti & Lucie Smetanová (Linköping University)
Track 2 - Weather in ATM II
Chair Craig Wanke, MITRE
Room PARB 127
- Marta Sánchez-Cidoncha - Machine Learning to Predict Convective Weather and its Impact on En-Route Capacity
Marta Sánchez-Cidoncha, Danlin Zheng, Pablo Gil (CRIDA), Gilles Gawinowski, Ramón Dalmau (EUROCONTROL) et al.
Track 3 - Economics, finance and policy
Chair Eric Neiderman, FAA
Room PARB 128
- Hamsa Balakrishnan - Market Structures for Service Providers in Advanced Air Mobility
Victor Qin, Geoffrey Ding & Hamsa Balakrishnan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
June 06
Buses depart conference center
June 07
5K fun run/walk
June 07
Buses depart Montgomery Street Trolley Stop
June 07
Track 1 - Human factors
Chair Dirk Schaefer, EUROCONTROL
Room PARB 114/115
- Hartmut Helmke & Hunter Kopald - Transatlantic Approaches for Automatic Speech Understanding in Air Traffic Management
Hartmut Helmke, Oliver Ohneiser, Matthias Kleinert (DLR), Shuo Chen, Hunter Kopald & Robert M. Tarakan (MITRE CAASD)
Track 2 - Separation assurance and safety nets
Chair Paula Nouragas, FAA
Room PARB 127
- Timothé Krauth - Collision Risk Assessment in Terminal Manoeuvring Areas based on Trajectory Generation Methods
Timothé Krauth, Benoit Figuet (Zurich University of Applied Sciences), Xavier Olive & Jérôme Morio (ONERA)
June 07
Track 1 - Human factors
Chair Dirk Schaefer, EUROCONTROL
Room PARB 114/115
- Gijs de Rooij - Contributing Factors to Flight-Centric Complexity in En-Route Air Traffic Control
Gijs de Rooij, Amber Stienstra, Clark Borst, Marinus M. van Paassen, Max Mulder (TU Delft) & Adam B. Tisza (EUROCONTROL)
Track 2 - Separation assurance and safety nets
Chair Paula Nouragas, FAA
Room PARB 127
- Benoit Figuet - Data-Driven Airborne Collision Risk Modelling using a Probability Density Function
Benoit Figuet, Raphael Monstein (Zurich University of Applied Sciences) & Steven Barry (Airservices Australia)
June 07
Track 1 - Human factors
Chair Dirk Schaefer, EUROCONTROL
Room PARB 114/115
- Hartmut Helmke - Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding for Radar Label Maintenance Support Increases Safety and Reduces Air Traffic Controllers’ Workload
Hartmut Helmke, Matthias Kleinert, Nils Ahrenhold (DLR) et al.
Track 2 - Separation assurance and safety nets
Chair Paula Nouragas, FAA
Room PARB 127
- Sarah Degaugue - Learning uncertainty parameters for assistance in conflict resolution
Sarah Degaugue, Richard Alligier, Jean-Baptiste Gotteland, Nicolas Durand (ENAC) & Yash Guleria (Nanyang Technological University)
June 07
June 07
June 07
Light Lunch
June 07
Visit Gulfstream Aerospace
Buses depart 14:15 – return at hotels forseen 17:00
June 08
Buses depart Montgomery Street Trolley Stop
June 08
June 08
Track 1 - Environment and energy efficiency I
Chair Hartmut Fricke, TU Dresden
Room PARB 114/115
- Rüdiger Ehrmanntraut - Operational Live-Trial for Contrail Prevention at the Maastricht Upper Area Control during 2021 - Can persistent contrails be avoided in the real world?
Rüdiger Ehrmanntraut, Ilona Sitova, Kacper Walczak (EUROCONTROL) et al.
Track 2 - Autonomous, unmanned and remotely piloted aircraft systems I
Chair Billy Josefsson, LFV
Room PARB 127
- Richard Alligier - The Curse of the Time Horizon in Detect & Avoid Algorithms
David Gianazza, Richard Alligier & Nicolas Durand (ENAC)
June 08
Track 1 - Environment and energy efficiency I
Chair Hartmut Fricke, TU Dresden
Room PARB 114/115
- Esther Roosenbrand - Optimizing Global Flight Altitudes for Contrail Reduction: Insights from Open Flight and Weather Balloon Data
Esther Roosenbrand, Junzi Sun & Jacco Hoekstra (TU Delft)
Track 2 - Autonomous, unmanned and remotely piloted aircraft systems I
Chair Billy Josefsson, LFV
Room PARB 127
- Jordan Sakakeeny & Tim Felix Sievers - Potential of United States and European Regional Air Cargo Operations for Uncrewed Aircraft Systems
Jordan Sakakeeny, Husni Idris (NASA) & Tim Felix Sievers (DLR)
June 08
June 08
Track 1 - Air traffic flow management and optimization I
Chair Max Li, University of Michigan
Room PARB 114/115
- Gabriele Enea & Tom Reynolds - Implementation of Long-Range Air Traffic Flow Management at Large Hub Airports: An International Perspective
Gabriele Enea, Tom Reynolds (MIT LL), Adriana Andreeva-Mori, Masahide Onji (JAXA), Jesper Bronsvoort (Airservices Australia) & Joachim Hochwarth (GE)
Track 2 - Autonomous, unmanned and remotely piloted aircraft systems II
Chair Billy Josefsson, LFV
Room PARB 127
- Patrick Le Blaye - Quantitative air risk assessment for a drone inspection mission along fast-train lines
Xavier Olive, Patrick Le Blaye (ONERA), Leonid Senov (Linköping University) & Timothé Krauth (Zurich University of Applied Sciences)
June 08
Track 1 - Air traffic flow management and optimization I
Chair Max Li, University of Michigan
Room PARB 114/115
- Ziming Wang - STL Combining LSTM for Long-term Predicting Airport Traffic Flow
Ziming Wang, Yanjun Wang (Nanjing University), Yaoshuai Zhao (TravelSky), Mark Hansen (UC Berkely) & Daniel Delahaye (ENAC)
Track 2 - Autonomous, unmanned and remotely piloted aircraft systems II
Chair Billy Josefsson, LFV
Room PARB 127
- Christopher Chin - Strategic Planning of Aerial Assets for Disaster Response: Enabling Efficient and Equitable Access to Drone-Based Search Resources
Christopher Chin, Akila Saravanan, Hamsa Balakrishnan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) & Adriana Andreeva-Mori (JAXA)
June 08
June 08
Track 1 - Air traffic flow management and optimization II
Chair José Miguel De Pablo, CRIDA
Room PARB 114/115
- Christine Taylor - Teaching Artificial Intelligence Good Air Traffic Flow Management
Christine Taylor, Erik Vargo, Tyler Manderfield & Simon Heitin (MITRE)
Track 2 - Autonomous, unmanned and remotely piloted aircraft systems III
Chair Nicolas Durand, ENAC
Room PARB 127
- Max Z. Li - Remote Identification Trajectory Coverage in Urban Air Mobility Applications
Hejun Huang, Billy Mazotti, Joseph Kim & Max Z. Li (University of Michigan)
June 08
Track 1 - Air traffic flow management and optimization II
Chair José Miguel De Pablo, CRIDA
Room PARB 114/115
- Raphaël Christien - Reducing CO2 emissions of arrivals by acting on departure times : A perspective for 30 European airports
Raphaël Christien, Karim Zeghal & Bruno Favennec (EUROCONTROL)
Track 2 - Autonomous, unmanned and remotely piloted aircraft systems III
Chair Nicolas Durand, ENAC
Room PARB 127
- Ang Li - UAV Scheduling Strategies and Benefits in Multi-modal Last-Mile Urban Parcel Delivery
Ang Li, Mark Hansen (UC Berkeley) & Bo Zou (University of Illinois)
June 08
Track 1 - Air traffic flow management and optimization II
Chair José Miguel De Pablo, CRIDA
Room PARB 114/115
- Judith Rosenow - Multiple Aircraft in a multi-criteria Trajectory Optimization
Judith Rosenow, Thomas Zeh, Martin Lindner, Stanley Förster & Hartmut Fricke (TU Dresden)
June 08
Buses depart conference center
June 08
Gala Dinner
The Savannah River Queen - 502 East River Street
June 09
Buses depart Montgomery Street Trolley Stop
June 09
Track 1 - Air traffic flow management and optimization III
Chair Shannon Zelinski, NASA
Room PARB 114/115
- Yanjun Wang - Slot allocation for a Multiple Airport System: Equity and Efficiency
Mengyin Wang, Yanjun Wang (Nanjing University), Daniel Delahaye (ENAC), Chaohao Liao & Xu Hang (Central-South ATMB)
Track 2 - Environment and energy efficiency II
Chair Hartmut Fricke, TU Dresden
Room PARB 127
- Judith Rosenow - Time of the Day-dependent impact of Contrail Avoidance Strategies on Airline Delay Costs
Judith Rosenow, Hartmut Fricke (TU Dresden) & Lance Sherry (George Mason University)
June 09
Track 1 - Air traffic flow management and optimization III
Chair Shannon Zelinski, NASA
Room PARB 114/115
- Chunyao Ma - Dynamic Air Traffic Flow Coordination for Flow-centric Airspace Management
Chunyao Ma, Sameer Alam, Qing Cai (Nanyang Technological University) & Daniel Delahaye (ENAC)
Track 2 - Environment and energy efficiency II
Chair Hartmut Fricke, TU Dresden
Room PARB 127
- Alejandra Martin Frias - Enhancing environmental sustainability in aviation: an implementation of contrail mitigation strategies in commercial flight dispatching
Alejandra Martin Frias, Raimund Zopp (Flightkeys) & Manuel Soler (University Carlos III Madrid )
June 09
June 09
June 09
Decarbonizing Air Transport
John-Paul Clarke, University of Texas at Austin; Olivia Nuñez, SESAR JU; Chip Meserole, Boeing; moderated by R John Hansman, MIT
June 09
Closing Session
Best Paper Awards & Closing – Announcement ICRAT 2024, ATM Seminar 2025
Eric Neiderman, FAA and Dirk Schaefer, EUROCONTROL
June 09
Committee Meeting
(working lunch)
June 09
Buses depart conference center
2023 ATM Seminar Committee
Dirk Schaefer
Europe General Seminar Chair
Eric Neiderman
U.S. General Seminar Chair
Federal Aviation Administration
Program Committee
- Marc Bourgois, EUROCONTROL
- Nicolas Durand, ENAC, France
- Hartmut Fricke, TU Dresden, Germany
- Peter Hecker, TU Braunschweig, Germany
- Jacco Hoekstra, TU Delft, Netherlands
- Eric Hoffman, EUROCONTROL
- Billy Josefsson, LFV, Sweden
- Dirk Küegler, DLR, Germany
- Guglielmo Lulli, Lancaster University, UK
- Olivia Nunez, Lancaster University, UK
- Jose Miguel de Pablo, CRIDA/Enaire, Spain
- Miquel Àngel Piera Eroles, UA Barcelona, Spain
- Anthony Smoker, Lund University, Sweden/IFATCA
- Georg Trausmuth, Frequentis, Austria
United States
- Sameer Alam, NTU, Singapore
- Hamsa Balakrishnan, MIT
- Mark Hansen, UC Berkeley
- Christopher Dorbian, FAA/AEE
- Max Li, University of Micigan
- Sandy Lozito, NASA Ames
- Karen Marais, Purdue University
- Joseph Post, University of South Florida
- Almira Ramadani, FAA
- Tom Reynolds, MIT Lincoln Labratory
- Midori Tanino, FAA/ATO
- Craig Wanke, MITRE CAASD
- Mark Weber, MIT LL
- Shannon Zelinski, NASA Ames